My Life Update

Hi everyone! Here i am and i wanna share you about what i've been through this past. Looking my blog posts that i just posted a post in August, it really makes me a little dissapointed of myself huhu. Sorry i couldn't post something useful or entertain you guys in this occasion, so here are the reasons!

Okay, credit this photo to Google, i just found this is soo aesthetic and take it as my post cover hahah. Lately, i got many assingments to do from my college even i haven't started my first academic year!! Yess, now i am a freshman. Those assignments have intention to prepare the freshmen for doing their study in college because as you know the environtment is quite different than high school and that is the college is working for educate us about character education. Start from this past two weeks, i'm busy to finish all of my assignments and until this second, i haven't finished it yet, lol. Actually it has two topics; about softskills and information technology training-- of course it's online-- and i had finished the softskills, but yet the IT training hhh. Anyway, i will start my first academic year on August, 14 and i'm not ready to face it:"")

So here, i'm back for a second to greet you and tell you that i'm still alive and quite insane with those assignments hahah. I just wanna tell you, probably i couldn't post more in here, but, i really wish this blog is still useful for you guys who's looking for tutorials and movies. 

If i have a good time, i'll be back here again with you guys and bring more information and entertain you through my writings! I wish you guys, if you have same condition like me, fighting and let's do the best! Sending you a lot of love guys, i'm really sorry, i hope you understand, see you<3


  1. It’s okay take your time ya ✨🌸

  2. hiii tiara.. goodluck in your studies :)

    from malaysia

  3. seriuss bingung kita satu angkatan apa gmn ya? haha tp yg aku inget tiara ituuu senior di blogger cilik dulu ya gak sih? BTW, SEMANGATTTT KULIAHHNYAAA HUHU. Jujur aku rada iri dan insecure ngeliat yang kuliah huhu soalnya aku mutusin gapyear, tapi gakpapa sihh udh biasa aja wkwk. semangattt kuliahnyaa yaa sekali lagiii<3 sehat terus dan bahagia selalu hehe<3

    1. aku angkatan 2020 nis, samaan nggak nih? kalo iya, berarti emang satu angkatan kita hahah. waduhh, aku masih banyak belajar kok belum seniorr wkwkw. terima kasih ya niss semangatnya, kamu juga semangat yaa! gapyear bukan aib kok, jangan insecure yaa, semoga dikasih gantinya yang lebih baik sama Allah, semoga kebahagiaan dan kesehatan menyertai kamu juga, kutunggu kabar baikmu yaa<3

  4. Salam kunjungan dan follow disini ya :)


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